Albúns de Imagens

2024.04.25 - Big Tech
2024.04.25 – Dietas para combater a obesidade
2024.04.22 – O Diario de Sarah
2024.04.16 - Language Delay in Macau
2024.04.11 - Knowledge on Top of Capital
2024.04.08 - Real Cost of Energy Transition
2024.03.25 - Masters students of International Relations at UMAC
2024.03.13 - Freedom in the Religious Press
2024.03.12 – Creative Dialogues & Discovery with Macanese
2024.03.07 - Photojournalism - Covering Church Events
2024.02.29 - À Descoberta de Macau
2024.02.27 - The East India Company and the Politics of Knowledge
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